ICAR’s Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) in collaboration with Agricultural Technology Applied Research Institute (ATARI), Umiam, Meghalaya has embarked on development of fisheries-based entrepreneurship and value chain creation for fish and fish products in the Northeast. training program. Subject Matter Experts 26 Krishi Vigyan Kendras from Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Meghalaya are participating in the program on Fisheries Advances and Post Harvest Techniques.
CIFT Director George Ninan emphasized the Institute’s commitment to building a strong fish and fish product value chain and promoting fisheries entrepreneurship in the North East. He said that the collaboration between CIFT and Meghalaya ATARI is an important step in harnessing the fishing potential of the Northeast region. ATARI director A.K.Mohanty said that fish production in the North Eastern States has been continuously increasing in recent years and the growth trend is due to favorable natural conditions, preventive measures taken by the government and increasing consumer demand for fish. Products. Average fish productivity is said to be 1.5 tons per hectare per year, below the national average of 3 tons per hectare, indicating an improvement in productivity. Despite the increase in production, there is still a fishing shortage of approximately 43,000 tons in the region. To bridge this gap, he said, fish is being imported from Bangladesh and other Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. The fishing industry of the North-Eastern States offers enormous potential and scope for expansion. The reason for this is the region’s abundant water supply, diverse selection of fish species, high demand for fish, export possibilities, as well as opportunities to introduce technology, create added value and promote sustainability.